Melissa Black

Profile Updated: June 12, 2010
Melissa Black
Residing In: Fortville, IN USA
Spouse/Partner: Michael Blair
Children: I have one child. A daughter who is 16 years old (as of 07JUN10), Her name is Dallis, she is a typical More…teenager, that always has the phone to her ear, on the compter or hanging out with friends. oh, and she always has to have the last word. It doesnt really work well with me, because IM supposed to have the last word... see where Im going with this??
Occupation: Micrographologist until 2000, disabled since
Yes! Attending Reunion
School story:

Section Under Construction

My favorite high school memory:

WOW! There were so many good times at Warren Central. It is hard to pick just one. However; the one that stands out the most is Senior Prom. I felt like a queen that night, and my date looked like a king. Having a very near and dear friend by your side always helps. Thank you Rick, for escorting me that night. No one could have made the evening any better!

One thing I am really good at:

Planning parties, almost anything artistic, styling/cutting hair (Although I never went to cosmotology, Im pretty darn good), gossiping, shopping, cooking, yelling at teenagers who gossip too much and bring WAY too much drama home from school, (LOL gossiping, wonder why she does it, huh?) borrowing babies, gardening veggies and flowers. All kinds of plant life really.
Oooops, I was only supposed to put one.... although its impossible.

**If you ever need a party planned. Baby Showers, Birthdays, Graduation, Anniversary or Retirement, come find me. The best way is to call my home number, be sure to leave a message if you do not get an answer.
My specialtie is Baby Showers, but I can do the others listed above. If there is a different type of party you would like to have, I have no problem taking it on. The ones about are just the ones that I have done before.

My greatest accomplishment since WC:

Unfortunately, health issues has kept me from gaining any career accomplishments, but I have accomplished a much harder task. That is, raising a GIRL on my own. For those of you who have kids, and they are girls, you know where I am coming from. Oh my goodness, the DRAMA!
My daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. She is my life and my world.

2nd best thing that has happened in my "Grown Up" life. (Im tellin you Julie K Yeary-Hopkins, Im still not diggin this "grown-up thing). I met the man, that would eventually gather the courage to ask me out, continually, and never accepting NO for an answer for more than 6 months. I accepted after his persistance, and we became a committed couple real soon afterwards. Im very happy that he never gave up. Before he ever asked me out, he told a mutual friend of ours, that I was going to be his wife one day.
That was almost 3 years ago as of now (06JUN10). True to his word, we are engaged, and planning to be married before fall of 2010. He has given me the life that I had been waiting for. I have not been married yet, engaged only once before, as I said I was only going to do it once, and would wait a life time until I knew it was the right man for me.
J. michael Blair has come into our lives, along with his daughter that is now 20 yrs old. My Daughter Dallis, Is now 16yrs old and will be a Junior at Mt. Vernon High School in the fall of 2010.
Dallis, Michael and Nola are now my life, my love, and my world. I love you all!

One thing I wish I could change:

Trying harder in school. I never really tried hard for "A"s, I just floated through school, getting mostly B's, some C's and a few A's here and there, enough to keep my parents off my back. I think that if I had tried just a little, I might have went through high school with mostly A's. Other then that, I dont think I would change a thing. I had (have) an awesome circle of friends, and wouldnt trade them in for anything. And I always welcome more. If I you didnt know me then, you can get to know me now. Its never too late to meet a classmate. Past, Present or Future.

What I wish I knew then:

How Boys can easily look you right in the eyes and tell you a bold face lie and make you believe everything he said.

Correction: How to tell when they were lying, and not believe everything they say.

My favorite WC teacher:

at Warren Central, I liked ALL my teachers, and Deans. A few that stick out more so then others are: Mrs. Perkins (Arts), Mr Fish (Jewelry/Arts) Mr. Burkette (then English & Sports Lit, later to become Principal), Mr. Harris (Dean), Mr. Orr (government), Mr. Comesly (English) Miss LeRoy (Lit.) Mr. Armstrong (History) Mr. Saucer (History),Mr. Ruster (P.E.) Interval Running was a drag, I couldnt claim that I had Asthma because he saw me smoking when he drove past my house to get to his mothers, that was a block away. Harry (The janitor, who ironically lives a couple blocks from me now, and still wears his WC sweats, shorts and t-shirts) as he walks/jogs around town, Mrs. Life, Mrs. Higdon & Mrs. Franklin (Library). Miss Parish... HAHA Just Kidding. she always used me in swimming, by saying "Black, dive in and swim to the other end, get out, dive in again and swim back down, so the others can SEE what Im talking about. WTF, its swimming. either you can, or you cant. only one way to find out. If you stay on top of the water, you can swim, if you sink to the bottom, then you cant.

(No Julie, I dont like this grown up thing at all... how bout you be the grown up, and I'll watch and poke fun at you) hehe..... I love you!

The person who has influenced me the most:

Depends on what I was being influenced by.
1st one that comes to mind, is Mr. Orr.
He not only told me, but showed me that I can do whatever I put my mind to, and not to give up. Oh, and he told me I should quit smoking.

Mr. Ruster said the same thing a few years before that... (about smoking) but it never occured to me that he actually cared. Just that he was being a bossy "Grown Up" teacher.

What I miss the most from high school:

Everything about it. Teachers, friends, peers, shows performed in the PAC, Pep Ralleys, Homecomings, Talent shows, even Young Life youth christain group, held monday evenings at eastgate christain church.... I just want to go back, where life was simple, and the only thing we had to worry about was being to school/class on time, not being called on if you didn't know that particular answer that the teacher is questioning that moment and passing that test.

that no one expects me to be a GROWN UP

Best decision I've made since high school:

Move out of Marion County. I loved my school and the immediate area where I lived, but I couldnt get away from the big city soon enough. I am very happy in my little "one stop light town". This is my home now, and always will be.

UPDATE: 07JUN10. I strongly dislike Mt. Vernon Schools. For 11 Years, my daughter has been a student in the township, and she has known EVERYone (as she puts it) here her entire life. It doesnt matter how much older or younger a student is to her, they are her friends.
The Academics have dropped in years, and they are focussing more on sports. She is suffering because of this. They had a program caller Americorp for the first 3 years of her schooling, which helped her in areas that she was weak at. After 2nd grade, they cancelled the Americorp program because there easnt enuff funding for it.... that following spring, They built a HUGE fancy football stadium, nicer then anyone I have ever been to, and started (and still working on) adding on to the highschool. They want to be in the "Big Leagues" of high school sports. Forgetting the importance of a good education. I think I'll go back to warren township for a couple years, so she can get the help that she needs.

sigh... so much for being in a small quiet town, where everyone knows your name.,,,

BTW, has anyone spoke to Jon Noblitt recently? He lived in this town too. Then moved one day, and never said where he was moving to. Back to Indy, Im assuming.

When I retire, I will:

HA! retire. sigh, if only I could work. I miss working, but Doctors wont let me go back. However, if I do ever make a big move, I will be going to kentucky. Where the air is clear,the water is clean, and all the people are your friends, and no one judges anyone.

My ideal getaway:

On a boat, big boat, little boat, house boat, or jet ski... as long as Im am on the lake, I am happy

My favorite quote:

Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but how many times your breath is taken away.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass;
it's about dancing in the rain.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person who wasn't supposed to let you down, probably will.

The only people you need in your life, are the ones that prove they need you in theirs.

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly & laugh uncontrollably.

Live...Laugh... and Love.


Be kinder then necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle.

Most difficult challange:

accepting the hand that life dealt me.

accepting that I have a chronic illness, and cannot do all the things I have done my entire life. clear down to, just sitting in the sun for as long as I want.

Raising a teenager

How I would like to be remembered:

smiling, laughing, being silly, refusing to grow up, being supportive of family and friends, regardless of what they decide to do in their life, and always be ready to jump in the car on a moments notice and head east to KINGS ISLAND!!! or even better, Lake Cumberland!!! The boat is fully equiped with everything except an oven. I could live on 48 feet of floating fiberglass, that has all the modern gadgets that my house does. A 2 bedroom cabin cruiser is all we need.... once the last kid is out of the house, that is....

**Maybe Kings Island could be a good place for a reunion... if ya'll aren't too old for it! :)
or, a bunch of us rent house boats for a week, tie them all together in a cove of our own, and have a week long party there!!!

Yeah, I usually dream big.

Best relationship advice:

Be honest, open and loyal!

Talk often. Not about people. But events and ideas. Conversation is one of the main keys to a life long relationship. If you dont communicate well now, what will you have to talk about when you are 75, retired and rocking on your front porch?

Best parenting advice:

Tie em down til they are 30. =) Disconnect the phone, toss out the computer and turn off cable. otherwise, you will never get a seconds worth of attention from them.

Be sure to ask at least 7 questions before giving them an answer. Mostly pertaining to "can I go here", "can so and so stay all night tonight and tomorrow night". Many of times, I already know what my answer iis going to be, but I still aggrevate her and ask many questions first.

Current Employer

(last) Imaging Office Systems & Hotel Manager

The job I would choose if nothing else mattered:

Probation Officer... which is where I would be, if my life hadn't been taken over by lupus and full renal failure.

For fun I like to:

Kings Island Baby!!!!!! or floating on a raft at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky


I have a lot to say, for sure....
I have to save it for another time, I dont want to overwhelm you all at once.

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Melissa Black has a birthday today.
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Melissa Black has a birthday today.
Mar 03, 2018 at 4:33 AM
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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:40 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:40 PM
April 2009. My Fiance', Michael and I
